Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nose piercing

Nose piercing

On the top positions on popularity the youth has also a nose piercing. And it is not casual. The most often used updating of this kind - ear ring threading in a so-called wing of a nose. For this kind of body piercing even there is a special earring-screw which on a surface of a wing of a nose looks like a small ball, and from within is fixed to a nose surface by a special hook. There are some recommendations concerning such ear rings. The first: to change an ear ring of this kind costs on an exhalation because because of its small size it is possible to "inhale" unintentionally simply. Still - it is not necessary to risk, piercing a nostril in the event that at you a nose not the wide.

There is one more kind of piercing of a nose - directly in the middle, in parallel a nose, but only from above. Only keep in mind that such kind of piercing to do very painfully. Into a puncture it is inserted special clamp which, being in an aperture, disturbs to its healing because the trace from an earring disappears, as a rule, in a month after it have taken out. And clamp with ease gets from a hole, and instead of it the ear ring in the form of a ring or two peak is located. But if you like piercing in a nose, but to punch a nose absolutely it would not be desirable, for this purpose there are ear rings-models - ordinary clip-on earrings.

Nose piercing as it is possible to insert a ring just as many fashionable rock musicians but if you wish to look more shocking the nose between nostrils is better to pierce do Into a wing. Know that the pain from a puncture is instant, but very bright and sharp. The puncture differently from two about three months also heals. And the earring in a nose can cause some inconveniences at a cold.

Nose piercing Jewelry BodyPiercing Shop

1 comment:

  1. At PI we offer a varied range of totally unique piercing and body tattooing services.
